written by
David Burch

Day 9 of the 28-Day Qigong Challenge

qigong 1 min read

Join the 28-Day Qigong Challenge: An online course with daily follow-along videos that teach beginners simple techniques to combat stress and help the body heal.

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Day 9 of the 28-Day Qigong Challenge.

This week, we'll be learning a new movement every day, while practicing the Day 7 Practice Session.

For Day 9, we will learn a movement called Lifting Water.

Lifting Water builds energy and resilience. The movement is easy and enjoyable. 

As you inhale, your arms float up. 

As you exhale, your arms float down. 

Enjoy the movement.

Don't make it more difficult than that.

This is a good time to introduce The Three Golden Rules: Don't Worry. Don't Intellectuallize. Enjoy.

I find that if you focus on enjoying your practice it takes care of the other two.

So, enjoy!

Talk to you tomorrow,

David Burch

Join the 28-Day Qigong Challenge: An online course with daily follow-along videos that teach beginners simple techniques to combat stress and help the body heal.
