Join the 28-Day Qigong Challenge: An online course with daily follow-along videos that teach beginners simple techniques to combat stress and help the body heal.
Day 4 of the 28-Day Qigong Challenge.
For Day 4, we are learning Shi/Shi/Hu Breathing or In/In/Out Breathing.
Again, the name describes the movement. We will be taking in one belly breath, through the nose, if you can. Then immediately afterwards, we take in one chest breath, again through the nose, if possible, making for one full double breath. Then we breathe out, a long breath out taking as long as it took us for the two inhales.
The arm movements match the breaths: Palms up... Up the belly on the belly breaths, up the chest on the chest breath. Palms down... down the chest, then the belly, down slowly on the exhale.
Experiment with this.
Do the two in breaths slowly and fully at first to build energy. Float your head up, making space in your spine. Expand the ribs in all directions, making space for the organs.
Slowly speed up the in/in/out breath sequence, but don't hyperventilate. Drop to a normal, natural breath before you experience any discomfort.
This quicker sequence is referred to as "Expelling the Pathogen" and I have found it useful at clearing the first signs of a head cold.
Talk to you tomorrow,
David Burch