written by
David Burch

Day 12 of the 28-Day Qigong Challenge

qigong 1 min read

Join the 28-Day Qigong Challenge: An online course with daily follow-along videos that teach beginners simple techniques to combat stress and help the body heal.

Day 12 of the 28-Day Qigong Challenge.

This week, we'll be learning a new movement every day, while practicing the Day 7 Practice Session.

For Day 12, we will learn a movement called Circle Arms, Lead Qi through Body or Gathering Qi from Heaven or The Big Tai Chi Circle.

This is another favorite and a good all purpose movement. 

As the names imply, it is great for gathering energy and leading it through the body.

This method by itself is great for managing stress.


Talk to you tomorrow,

David Burch

Join the 28-Day Qigong Challenge: An online course with daily follow-along videos that teach beginners simple techniques to combat stress and help the body heal.
