written by
David Burch

Day 10 of the 28-Day Qigong Challenge

qigong 1 min read

Join the 28-Day Qigong Challenge: An online course with daily follow-along videos that teach beginners simple techniques to combat stress and help the body heal.

Join at Qigong.Today

Day 10 of the 28-Day Qigong Challenge.

This week, we'll be learning a new movement every day, while practicing the Day 7 Practice Session.

For Day 10, we will learn a movement called Lifting Sun and Moon.

When I learned Sun and Moon, I was told that Shaolin warrior monks practiced it by performing hundreds of repetitions.

We don't need to do that many reps: maybe 30 max.

Enjoy the movement. It is one of my favorites.

Talk to you tomorrow,

David Burch

Join the 28-Day Qigong Challenge: An online course with daily follow-along videos that teach beginners simple techniques to combat stress and help the body heal.
